
Stop the Tantrums, Start the Solutions

Stop the tantrum

The preschool years are a time of incredible growth and learning, but they can also be filled with their fair share of challenges. Tantrums, picky eating, and bedtime battles are just a few hurdles parents of preschoolers often face. As this guide, Stop the Tantrums, Start the Solutions: A Parent’s Guide, emphasizes, there are practical solutions to help you navigate these common challenges.

Conquering Tantrums: Proven Solutions You Can Use Today

  • Stay Calm: Your child feeds off your energy. If you get frustrated or angry, it will only escalate the situation. Take a deep breath and maintain a calm demeanor.
  • Validate Their Feelings: Acknowledge their emotions by saying, “I see you’re feeling frustrated. Can you tell me what’s wrong?” Let them know their feelings are valid, even if you don’t condone the behavior.
  • Offer Choices: Empower them with choices whenever possible. For example, “Do you want to take a few deep breaths or go to your calm down corner?”
  • Distraction is Key: For younger preschoolers, try diverting their attention with a new activity or toy.
  • Natural Consequences: If they throw a tantrum because they can’t have a cookie before dinner, let them experience the natural consequence of not having a cookie.
  • Positive Reinforcement: Praise them for using their words to express their needs or calming down on their own. This works with most of the children as being human we all love to be praised

Picky Eating Power Struggle:

  • Offer Variety: Expose your child to a variety of healthy foods, but don’t force them to eat anything they dislike.
  • Involve Them: Let them help you choose fruits and vegetables at the grocery store or participate in simple meal prep tasks.
  • Make it Fun: Cut food into fun shapes, create themed meals, or let them “decorate” their plate with healthy toppings.
  • No Pressure, Just Exposure: Don’t force them to clean their plate. Offer small portions and let them know they can ask for more if they’re still hungry.
  • Focus on the Positive: Praise them for trying new foods, even if they don’t like them.
  • Be a Role Model: Make healthy eating a family affair. Enjoy a variety of nutritious foods yourself and let your child see you making healthy choices.

These are just starting points. Every child is different, so find what works best for your little one. With patience, consistency, and a positive approach, you can Stop the Tantrums, Start the Solutions! [“Stop the Tantrums, Start the Solutions” is bolded for emphasis] As this guide emphasizes, overcoming these common challenges is possible, fostering a happy and healthy environment for your preschooler to thrive. 

Create a "Calm Down Corner"

Create a "Calm Down Corner"


Designate a quiet space in your home with comfy pillows, calming toys, and quiet books. This “calm down corner” provides a safe haven for your child to self-regulate when they’re feeling overwhelmed. Teach them that they can go to this space to take deep breaths and calm down before talking about what’s bothering them. To make them understand the concept of managing emotions even better, consider creating a similar calm down corner for yourself! You might be surprised at how attending to your own emotional needs can positively influence your child’s behavior.


Jignna Patel

Udemy Instructor and Researcher in child psychology


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